The Story Behind the Meatball and Siomay Serves 3000 Serves for Prisoners in SamarindaSAMARINDA, - There was an unusual sight on the second day of Eid in the middle courtyard of the Class IIA Sempaja Detention Center complex, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Friday (14/5/2021) afternoon.The head of the detention center (Karutan) and his staff deliberately put meatball and dumpling sellers into the prison area.A total of 1,500 portions of meatballs and 1,500 portions of dumplings have been ordered and prepared for lunch with 1,095 residents of the Samarinda Detention Center.This step, which was initiated by the officers of the Samarinda Detention Center, is simply to cure the longing of the inmates and their families."Because twice, with the previous year, our residents (convicts) did not get family visits on religious holidays because of Covid-19," said Karutan, Alanta Imanuel Ketaren on the sidelines of lunch with the inmates, Friday (14/5/2021) ."Therefore, on this holiday, we want to give a family atmosphere by eating with the prison officers and inmates. Hopefully this meal together can fill the longing of our inmates with their families," he continued.Also read: Victims of Death in Kebumen Explosion Allegedly Mixing Firecrackers While SmokingAlanta said that as many as 3,000 portions of meatballs and dumplings were purchased from joint money from all the prison officers sincerely.This idea was carried out to encourage the festive atmosphere of Eid, to strengthen the sense of kinship between the inmates and the officers.That afternoon, the prison block looked empty.Everyone gathered in the center of the prison complex to have lunch together.Both inmates and prison officers sat side by side on the carpet-covered volleyball court floor.They joked to break up the atmosphere.Right at the front table for meatballs and dumplings, the line was snaking long.One by one the inmates took a portion of meatballs or dumplings, depending on taste, which had been arranged on the table.Then proffered to the seller behind the counter for the gravy."If one portion is lacking, you can add more. We prepare 3,000 portions, this is a lot more. This is an anticipation to increase," explained Alanta.Read also: Facts about TNI-Polri Arms Contact with KKB, Lesmin Waker Dies until Joint Troops Control 2 CampsThe joy between inmates and officers emanated from the laughter and the close relationship that was built in the atmosphere of eating together.One of the prisoners named Riko expressed his joy, but still mixed with sadness.The reason is, twice, he did not meet his family directly during Lebaran."I'm still sad because I didn't meet my family. But I'm grateful that we eat together, gather together, so there is a family here," said Riko.Riko, who has served three years in prison, said the previous years were not as lively as this year.He hopes that this kind of activity will be carried out again so that the friendship remains good, especially in welcoming other religious days."As long as I am serving my sentence here, this is the first time there is an event like this. All of my friends feel the joy of Eid even though in prison, just like Eid outside. Alhamdulillah," concluded Riko.Approximately three hours since starting at 10:00 WITA, all the food was eaten by all the inmates and officers.The festive atmosphere of eating together is not only on the second day of Eid.On the first day of Lebaran, the inmates and prison officials also held a meal together, with a box of rice dishes.Also read: 2 travelers who drowned because they were desperate to pass the river route found deadKarutan Alanta ensured that his party continued to apply health protocols, namely distance, wearing masks and others.This is because the prison environment is currently sterile for Covid-19.Therefore, said Alanta, all officers, invited guests and others, when they were about to enter the detention center area, received strict protection.Including sellers of meatballs and dumplings who were specially invited to serve the inmates' meals."They (the sellers of meatballs and dumplings) have undergone a rapid antigen test with negative results before entering. That night we tested negative, so they could go to the detention center," concluded Alanta.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.