Dorce Gamalama Gets Help from Jokowi to Erick Thohir All pages -

2022-07-01 23:58:25 By : Mr. Leo Liu

Dorce Gamalama Gets Help from Jokowi to Erick ThohirJAKARTA, - Dorce Gamalama's relative, Ira Safira, confirmed that the host of the event had received assistance from the government.The assistance received by Dorce Gamalama, namely from President Joko Widodo to Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir."If Pak Jokowi helps with funds, if Pak Erick Thohir helps cover him until he recovers at Pertamina Hospital," Ira said when met in the Cawang area, East Jakarta, Wednesday (1/19/2022).Also read: Friends Open Voice of Circulation of Dorce Gamalama's Video Asking for Medical Fees to MegawatiIra then revealed the reason why Dorce Gamalama asked them, including the fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarnoputri, for treatment."Yes, if Mr. Jokowi is there to help, if Mrs. Mega is still in trouble. She also knows that Mrs. Mega is currently busy with her own activities," said Ira."Yes, it's just (like) a child whining to their parents, that's how it is. How can you be spoiled, because he used to entertain at the Palace, "Ira continued.Also read: Friend Calls Dorce Gamalama's Medical Costs at the RSPP borne by the governmentHowever, Ira did not mention the amount of funds Dorce Gamalama received from Joko Widodo.On the other hand, Ira made sure to also get help from fellow artists to Indonesian dangdut artists."It doesn't have to be judged by the material, but our concern for him, they and him have been extraordinary," said Ira.Also read: Dorce asks Megawati for help for treatment, her friend says thisOn Tuesday (18/1/2022), Dorce's Instagram account @dg_kcp uploaded a video addressed to Megawati."Ask for help from Megawati," reads the caption on the video.Dorce initially said that he had entertained when the daughter of the first Indonesian President Soekarno was vice president and president."I'm asking for help from Mrs. Megawati or her staff, Ma'am, please help me, Ma'am, it's up to you, help me for treatment. Please help, Ma'am. Thank you, Mrs. Megawati," said Dorce who was lying down.Also read: Dorce asks Megawati for help for treatment, her friend says thisIt turned out that the video of Dorce asking for help had gone viral on Facebook last week.In early October 2021, Dorce was treated at the Primaya Hospital, West Bekasi, because his condition had deteriorated and he even fainted.At the end of the same month he was re-admitted to the hospital.Also read: In need of treatment, Dorce Gamalama asks for help from Megawati SoekarnoputriDorce was taken to the Pertamina Central Hospital (RSPP) because he complained of pain in the right chest.The last time when comedian Sule visited him at his house in early January 2022, Dorce was still unable to walk.His right leg is still swollen.Even though he was sick, Dorce was still enthusiastic and was even able to invite Sule to joke.This article is part of Parapuan.Parapuan is a space for women's self-actualization to achieve their dreams.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.