– As a producer of milk and dairy products, Greenfields received the INDI 4.0 award which was organized by the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia.The INDI 4.0 award was handed over by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs and the Minister of Industry in a series of Industry 4.0 Conferences and Awards which were held on 25-26 November 2020 at Hotel Mulia, Jakarta.Industry 4.0 is a trend of automation of activities, processes and data collection and exchange in the industry to produce smart factories and increase effectiveness and efficiency.Also Read: Six Years of Operation, Ikea Pockets Halal Certification from MUIIn the process of developing Industry 4.0, the Indonesian industry is required to change the pattern of manual work to be digital-based.INDI 4.0 is one of the Indonesian government's programs in coordinating all industrial sectors in Indonesia to transform into a digital industry.Industry 4.0 will increase the efficiency and productivity of the company by up to 40%.To achieve this goal, an assessment is carried out for each industry that produces a Readiness Index with a rating range from 0 to 4.Also Read: Manulife Indonesia Continues to Optimize Customer Service During the PandemicThe assessment process is carried out in person or online.In 2020, PT Greenfields Indonesia succeeded in obtaining a Readiness Index as high as 3.2, which is an improvement from the previous assessment conducted in 2019 when PTGreenfields Indonesia first joined INDI 4.0.In the process of changing into a digital-based industry, all employees of PT Greenfields Indonesia took part and were very enthusiastic in going through all the stages.Also Read: Collaborating with, Raline Shah Donates for Informal WorkersPT Greenfields Indonesia is supported by global-scale OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) who have experience in determining the steps that must be taken in the digitization process.Greenfields has also implemented 70% of the planned series of projects, namely: IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things), MES (Manufacturing Execution System), LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System), and APS (Advance Planning Scheduling).The implementation of Industry 4.0 provides many benefits for PT Greenfields Indonesia.Also Read: No Longer Cost Constraints, Optimistic Teachers Run Online LearningThese benefits are that the work process becomes more effective and efficient, data is obtained in real-time, and every stage of production is recorded in detail as well as the implementation of an early warning system.Then, another benefit is that decision-making becomes faster and more precise and critical points are monitored more closely so as to reduce the possibility of quality problems that can harm the company.Employees at the administrative level also benefit from this digital system.Prior to digitization, there were often discrepancies in the data by recording from the production and finance divisions due to the data being typed manually and not in real-time;there are times when administrative employees have to go on holidays to prepare production data.Also Read: Help Plan Future Careers, VOOYA Holds Passion Playground FestivalHowever, currently, data can be obtained from real-time sources, so that administrative employees do not have to work overtime and there are no more data differences.Human errors in data input can also be minimized because this real-time data recording system works 24 hours a day, making work more practical and easier.Digitization also has a positive impact on the production process of PT Greenfields Indonesia.By using an early warning system, all deviations in production parameters can be detected directly.Also Read: Enjoy the Sensation of Virtual Music Concerts to Online Shopping at Adira Virtual Expo 2020A post shared by NOVA (@tabloidnovaofficial)Issues related to quality and downtime will also be easier to monitor in real-time.The root of any problems that arise will be easier to find and repair so that continuous improvement can always be done.Currently the productivity of PT Greenfields Indonesia has increased by 20% compared to before digitization."It is an honor for PT Greenfields Indonesia to be able to receive the INDI 4.0 award," explained Darmanto Setyawan, Head of Manufacturing, PT Greenfields Indonesia.Also Read: Blibli Collaborates with Narrative to Discuss the Digital Literacy Movement to Respond to the Challenges of Digital Transformation in the World of EducationDarmanto continued, "In the future, we will continue our commitment to Industry 4.0 by making updates and improvements including cloud data backup to avoid disruption to the local network that can impact work processes, as well as developing a solar panel system to reduce the use of fossil energy.""PT Greenfields Indonesia is also committed to continuing to innovate and update technology to keep abreast of community needs," he concluded.Get a more complete and in-depth discussion on the 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