These are the 3 first red and white flag hoisting figures during the proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia - All Pages - Hi

2022-08-19 23:55:15 By : Ms. Janet Wang - On the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, the Red and White flag-raising ceremony is always held at the Merdeka Palace.The flag-raising troops (paskibra) who came from high school students certainly became the center of attention because of their vital role in raising the Red and White flag.Also Read: Cracker Eating Contest, Not Just a Contest, It Turns Out There's Haru History Behind ItSpeaking of raising the red and white flag, do you know who was the first person to raise the red and white flag during the proclamation of independence on 17 August 1945?Yep, it turns out that there were three figures who took part in raising the red and white flag during the proclamation of independence.Launching, information from the Ruang Guru education platform page, Tuesday (17/8/2021), there were 3 people who served as flag bearers, rope pullers on the flagpole and as flag stretchers.Here are 3 figures who raised the flag on August 17, 1945 that you need to know.This guy from Jakarta who was born on February 15, 1911 took part in raising the flag.His father is a demang (or it can be called a sub-district head in the current era) in the Jatinegara area, East Jakarta.At that time, Latief enlisted in the military training formed by Dai Nippon, Sinen Kunrenshoo (Youth Training Center) in 1942 and joined PETA (Defenders of the Homeland).While at PETA, Latief occupied the position of company commander or a level below the battalion commander which is the highest position in that position.Latief also played a role in urging Soekarno-Hatta to immediately proclaim independence.When the proclaimer was 'kidnapped' to Rengasdengklok, Latief was tasked with securing the location of the proclamation.Shortly after the proclamation was announced, Latief was handed a tray containing a flag that had been sewn by Soekarno's wife, Fatmawati.Also Read: You Must Know, 6 Unique Traditions Celebrate August 17 in Various Regions of IndonesiaLatief's best friend, Kusumo Suhud, also took part in raising the Red and White flag during independence.Suhud was born in 1920 and is known to be a member of the Barisan Pioneer which was founded by Japan.Suhud died in 1986 at the age of 66 years.In history books, Suhud's name is always side by side with Latief as a flag raiser.In fact, before becoming a flag hoist on August 17, 1945, Suhud had been assigned to guard Soekarno's family before the day of the proclamation.Precisely on August 14, 1945, Suhud and several members of the Barisan Pelopor carried out this task.However, on August 16, Sukarno was kidnapped by youth groups while Suhud was on guard.This was the beginning of the Rengasdengklok incident at that time.Trimurti is Sayuti Melik's wife who is a typist for the proclamation.After Soekarno read the text of the proclamation and prayed, it was Trimurti who suggested that the hoisting of the flag should only be carried out by a soldier.Finally, Latief and Suhud raised the red and white flag.This became the forerunner of paskibra at school, mostly done by 2 boys and 1 girl in the middle.Male officers were in charge of hoisting the flag string and unfurling the flag.Meanwhile, female officers are in charge of carrying the flag and holding the flag string.Those are the 3 figures who raised the red and white flag during the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.How do you know better now the person who took part in the raising of the Red and White flag.As a young person, always remember the red coat, that is, never forget history.Also Read: 3 Interesting Facts about the Miyamoto Musashi Samurai who won the first duel as a childThis article has been published on with the title "Students, Recognize 3 Flag Raising Figures During the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence"Check other News and Articles on Google NewsAdjar |Bobo |Bolanas |Bolasport |BallStylo |Smart Shopping |Very Girl |Fotokita |Grid Fame |Grid Games |Grid Health |Hot Grid |Motorcycle Grid |Grid Pop |Star Grid |Grid.ID |Gridoto |Hi |HITS |Hype |iDEA |Computer Info |Abstract |Digest Plus | |Champion |Kids |Kitchenesia |MakeMac |Motorplus |Nakita |National Geographic |Nextren |Nova |Otofemale | | |Autorace |Autosecond |Parapuan |Delicious Food |Figure |Sportfeat |Style |Flare |Superball |Videos |Weekend | |Gridvoice |GRID Story Factory | |Digital Gramedia |KG Media