, Jakarta Many people are not aware that they are trapped by toxic people, even if it is their partner.When blinded by love, people often can't tell which treatment they deserve and what they don't.This often happens to good people who easily tolerate people's treatment.In order not to be treated badly again, this is how to be a good person but still know how to respect yourself.1. Don't just stay silent when you're treated badlyDoes he treat you badly?Like to belittle, belittle or even harass you?Don't just sit back and accept it.You need to be firm in defending yourself.Who is he to dare to treat you badly?Leave it.In order not to be trapped by toxic lovers or toxic people, people need to realize first that they deserve better, that no one deserves to be treated badly, not you nor anyone else.If you treat people well, then you should want to be treated well.3. You are in control of your lifeYou must know that you are the 'God' in your own life, you don't need other people to control your life.Realize that all choices and decisions must be based on your heart and for your good because in the end you will be the one who will bear the consequences for what you do.Even though you are a good listener, it does not mean that you are passive and obedient and follow other people's opinions.You have your own thoughts and opinions, and go with them.Only follow the good opinions and make you grow, not the ones that bring you down.There are so many ways to stay good but know the limits of when to stand on your own two feet and not be weak.Just apply some of the points above, and if you feel you are with toxic people or toxic lovers, let them go.