BOGOR - An unusual sight was seen on Hambalang Hill, Bojong Koneng Village, Bogor, West Java, on Saturday (18/6) this morning.At the residence of the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, came to visit.At around 09.30 WIB, Gibran's arrival in Hambalang was greeted directly by Prabowo Subianto.The two of them immediately walked towards the horse arena at the Garuda Yaksa Padepokan."I used to learn to ride a horse at the age of 52, it's never too late to learn. Because riding is a sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad for Muslim men," Prabowo said to the eldest son of President Joko Widodo.Gibran seemed enthusiastic because he was given the opportunity to learn to ride with Prabowo.Prabowo also looks happy because he can give Gibran directions on how to ride a horse.Prabowo continued that this equestrian practice would have a subsequent session.Gibran also admitted that he was ready to continue the second session of the equestrian training with the former Danjen Kopassus.After riding, the two then enjoyed a meal at a table that had been prepared in the form of Manado porridge, Bacang, dumplings, and not to forget the typical Hambalang coffee.Gibran seemed to enjoy the dish served by the Minister of Defense, as quoted from observer Rocky Gerung believes that Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto will only become a vice presidential candidate if he forms a coalition with the PDIP. This was conveyed by Rocky.Said to still have high electability, the name of the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, was not included in the recommendations of the entire Nasdem Party DPW throughout the country.Seen visiting the Presidential Palace, Tuesday (14/6), Prabowo Subianto is said to be replaced in the cabinet reshuffle issue, Wednesday (15/6) tomorrow.General Chairperson of Gerindra Prabowo Subianto must start thinking about becoming a king maker in the 2024 presidential election.Rocky Gerung expressed his views on the Gerindra Party which he said was under serious threat ahead of the upcoming 2024 General Election.Visiting Surya Paloh at the Nasdem Tower, Jalan Gondangdia, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (1/6), the General Chair of the Gerindra Party Prabowo Subianto said he wanted to meet missThe government plans the 2023 RAPBN of IDR 3,041.7 trillion, including central government spending of IDR 2,230 trillion, as well as transfers to the regions of IDR 811.7 trillion.Although the exact identity is not known, but dozens of people are suspected to be members of the police.Not wanting any clashes, Brimob chose to withdraw.Three days after Brigadier J died, on Monday, July 11, 2022, the account in the name of Brigadier J was found to have made a money transfer transaction of Rp. 200 million.UIN Syarif Hidayatullah political observer Adi Prayitno emphasized that KIB puts forward narratives and big ideas for Indonesia.The case of Brigadier J's murder continues.Recently, the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) said that the wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawati, was suspectedIn particular, Airlangga Hartarto acknowledged that the role of the media is very important to create optimism for social stability in society.Data is up / Search restricted.The Pamen Polda Metro Jaya who was confined to the Mobile Brigade Headquarters was said to be the Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian.Although it is difficult to be questioned, Ferdy Sambo's wife or Putri Candrawati is called a family lawyer, Brigadier Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat orAlthough the exact identity is not known, but dozens of people are suspected to be members of the police.Not wanting any clashes, Brimob chose to withdraw.One of the reasons for controlling our current inflation is the state budget policy measures to maintain domestic energy prices (shock absorbers).Dozens of honorary teachers came to the Tegal Regency DPRD building to meet with the ranks of Commission IV recently.They came there to askGanjar hopes that the UUCK Task Force can provide all information and absorb people's aspirations.In addition, the discussion will involve many parties in the future.The Tegal Regency Government has officially launched a toll-free emergency call service 112. The launch was carried out by the Deputy Regent of Tegal, Sabililah Ardie andThe Mayor of Bengkulu, Helmi Hasan, has since the beginning of April 2009 invited residents and the community to use his official car to be used for the wedding procession.THE ELECTION OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE RW 05 RUkun Warga or RW 05 IN THE VILLAGE OF KEBUNAN, SUB-DISTRICT DUKUHWARU, TEGAL REGENCY, WAS NOT AS PERFORMED AS USUALLY, AKA UNIQUE.GENERALLY THE HEAD OF RWTHE RANGE OF DUKUHTURI POLICE IN TEGAL REGENCY CONTINUES TO WORK TO WIN THE HEARTS OF THE PEOPLE.ONE OF THE WAYS THAT IS DONE WITH A SOCIAL APPROACH. LIKETHE SCHOOL HAS DONE VARIOUS BREASTLESS TO FORM THE CHARACTER OF INDEPENDENCE AND THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP OF THE STUDENTS.MADRASAH ALiyah NEGERI OR MAN KOTA TEGAL FOR example,THE RANGE OF POLRES TEGAL CITY RELEASE A NUMBER OF CASES REVEALED IN THE TIME OF ONE MONTH.LOTS OF 6 SUSPECTS AND EVIDENCE OF DIFFERENT THINGSJUST BECAUSE OF A T-shirt, A MAN ALREADY COLLECTED A CAR COLLECTION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA.THE EVENT HAPPENED ON HIGHWAY MARKET BANDAR,THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A GENERAL ELECTION OR ELECTION IS STILL TWO YEARS LEFT AGAIN, EVEN ONCE THE TNI HAS START TIGHTENING ITS WAISTBACK SINCE NOW.THE ACTION OF THE CHARITY BOX BREAK BACK HAPPENED IN THE TEGAL REGENCY.THIS TIME THE THINGS OPERATED IN MUSALA SLAWI WETANA total of 2,300 CLASS TWELVE STUDENTS FROM A NUMBER OF VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS IN THE EX-PEKALONGAN REGIONAL REGION GROWLED AT YOS SOEDARSO STADIUM, TEGAL CITY ON SUNDAY 5 MAY 2022RECENTLY BREBES POLICE ARRANGED THREE KHILAFATUL MUSLIMIN CONTRIBUTORS.AFTER A SERIES OF INQUIRIES, THE POLICE DETERMINED THE THREE is the official news portal of Radar Tegal which presents the latest news and info from Tegal, Brebes, Slawi, Pemalang, Pekalongan, about the Pantura, and other latest news.GRAHA PEN RADAR TEGAL Jl.Pioneer of Independence No.32 East Tegal City of Tegal Email: [email protected]