In Kalisat Jember, precisely in Ajung village, there is a restaurant that is in great demand by visitors.Visitors continue to come from various regions because they are addicted to the menu served by this restaurant.Qobemie, as the name implies, this restaurant actually serves a special menu with noodles as the main ingredient.To various corners, this one restaurant is indeed known for its various kinds of noodle dishes.Not a few visitors are addicted to the cuisine at this restaurant, so every time they come here to come back to enjoy the delicious and delicious dishes on offer.The location of this food stall is right on the side of the Sukowono-Kalisat road.If from the direction of Sukowono Jember, this restaurant is on the left side of the road.The signboard with QOBE written on it is clearly displayed on the road in front of this restaurant, it will not make people confused if they want to visit here.The Qobemie food menu consists of original qobe, fried qobe noodles, black qobe, green qobe noodles, pink qobe noodles, qobe soup noodles, colored noodles, original grilled noodles, and colored grilled noodles.Prices start from 9,000 to 13,000.So, all kinds of noodles are available at this restaurant.Other food menus that are also available are cheese shrimp, chicken dumplings, shrimp dumplings, mentai dumplings, shrimp balls, rambutan shrimp, shrimp lumps, ekado, keichak, sushi, and bakwan kuah.Each of these menus costs 12,000 to 20,000.As for snacks, Qobimie provides french fries, maryam bread, bolsis, and chicken wings.Prices from 9,000 to 20,000.As for the drink menu at Qobemie, it is not inferior to the number of food menus.Drinks available include;es teler durian, dalgona matcha, cofee, choco, taro, oreo, milo hot, milkshake choco, red booster, jelly ice, lecy tea, melon mojito, pinky ice, blackcurrent, lemonade, cucumber, lemon tea, manggo, orange, ice teas, and so on.Prices on display are from 3,500 to 12,000.And during the holy month of Ramadan, the Qobemie Kalisat restaurant provides special menus, namely lalapan laos kampung chicken, lalapan cut chicken lalapan, lalapan empal gepuk sambal ijo, and lalapan tofu and bacem.Prices from 10,000 to 23,000.Really don't regret ordering food at Qobemie Kalisat.The food is really delicious, tasty and delicious.Drinks are also to taste.Anyway, it's a loss if you're already in Jember but don't stop by Qobemie Kalisat.This article is a submission from a Yoursay member.The contents and photos of this article are entirely the responsibility of the sender.