A coffee maker or coffee maker is one of the important devices in the kitchen.With this tool, coffee sessions with the family are easier and more practical.You no longer need to brew coffee many times, because you only need to brew once, you can drink coffee several times.Unfortunately, the cleanliness of the coffee maker is often taken lightly.In fact, if it is not cleaned regularly, it can become a nest of germs and bacteria, you know.It can even cause an unpleasant odor.You can apply some of the following coffee maker cleaning tips.Also read: 10 Tips for Cleaning Stubborn Stains on Kitchen Tools, Let's Shine!Those are practical steps and tips for cleaning the coffee maker that you can apply.That way, no stubborn stains will be left behind.When was the last time you cleaned your coffee maker?Also Read: Don't Do 10 Bad Habits While At This Coffee Shop!are you old enough yet?