JAKARTA - PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk again continues its digital transformation by presenting 241 Smart Branches by Mandiri spread across 89 cities/regencies and 29 provinces simultaneously.President Director of Bank Mandiri, Darmawan Junaidi explained, with this innovation, it is hoped that all customers and the public in Indonesia can experience a new banking experience, not only in the capital, but also throughout Indonesia.This innovation is also expected to be able to make a positive contribution to economic growth.The Smart Branch by Mandiri innovation, which was launched this time, has adopted new service features that are customer oriented or customer centric.Darmawan claims, through these features, customers who come to Smart Branch by Mandiri will experience a fast, easy, safe, and reliable banking experience with the support of digital technology.Smart Branch by Mandiri is designed to accommodate customer needs based on the level of digital adoption by presenting an integrated service process with digital channels (Livin' and Kopra) and self-service machines.In addition, customers who require consultation on other products and services can also be directly assisted by the General Banker (GB) on duty.He added that this digital transformation step was also part of Bank Mandiri's initiative to encourage increased digital financial literacy in the country.To that end, the Smart Branch by Mandiri transformation will come in three types, including Digital Box, Hybrid Branch, and Upgrade Branch."These three types are expected to be able to accommodate all the characters of customers and people who still need banking services at branches and financial education more comfortably and interactively," said Darmawan at the inauguration, Friday (29/7).According to him, Digital Box will be available for customers who need express banking services without queuing.Meanwhile, the Hybrid Branch type is here to help customers who need fast and digitized services, as well as various other complex financial needs.The third type, namely Upgrade Branch (Digital Corner), he continued, is presented for customers who need staff assistance for transactions and various other complex financial needs.The three types of branches are equipped with self-service machines, such as ATM Deposits, Customer Service Machines (CSM), Video Conference Boxes that can allow customers to interact online with Bank Mandiri staff, and General Bankers who will provide financial solutions to customers.Darmawan continued, Smart Branch by Mandiri is here to provide convenience in banking transactions for customers because the service process is integrated with Livin' by Mandiri."Through the "Branch Service" feature at Livin' by Mandiri, customers can make prior reservations to transact at Smart Branch by Mandiri faster, easier, safer, and as needed," he said.Not only that, for customers who have not made a reservation through Livin' by Mandiri, Bank Mandiri continues to provide ease of transaction with the paperless electronic form (e-Form)."With the implementation of the new branch operational system, the security of customer transactions can be well maintained through the personal approval method that can be carried out by customers themselves, integrated with Livin' by Mandiri," he added.Strengthening Human Resources Capacity In supporting digitalization, Bank Mandiri has participated in developing Human Resources (HR) careers through the Mandiri Ready to Become Digital program.Darmawan explained, this has been the company's business strategy since the beginning."In preparing human resources to remain relevant, Bank Mandiri prioritizes the principle of No One Left Behind or there is no marginalized role for Mandirians. Because we believe, the quality of HR that is adaptive to the Joint Movement of all Mandirians is the key to the success of digital transformation and the sustainability of Bank Mandiri's business to front," he explained.Furthermore, in Bank Mandiri's digital transformation roadmap, HR development or Mandirian has become the company's main focus.Gradually, Bank Mandiri has prepared a Strategic Workforce Program (SWP) in the form of upskilling and reskilling for Mandirian.Starting from frontliners, such as in branches to the back office to be able to adapt quickly to new roles being carried out, so there is no reduction in staff at all.Customer service and tellers, for example, are given training and education to form new skills by becoming a General Banker so that they can fluently explain features or facilities at Smart Branch by Mandiri."Going forward, Bank Mandiri will continue to recruit young talents who are expected to support Bank Mandiri's business development, especially in supporting digital transformation. With increased business activities while consistently providing the best service to the community, of course, sufficient human resource capacity is needed. relevant capabilities," concluded Darmawan.Please login to leave a comment Login or Register