, Jakarta Changing old habits is not easy.Changing bad habits into good habits sometimes takes a long process.Making changes in everyday life and life always has its struggles.Through the Change My Habit Competition, Fimela's Friends share their stories and writings about new perspectives and habits that are built for a better life.Based on personal experience, the biggest challenge of being an adult is managing finances.Moreover, the name of working in a big city like Jakarta, there is a temptation.Since graduating S1, I have an office on the 23rd floor in the Sudirman area, Central Jakarta.Fun colleagues, compact bosses, and a team that loves to snack, make the work atmosphere really fun.Every time for lunch, we as a team would crowd into the elevator and then go to our favorite snack place next to our office building.Siomay, batagor, ketoprak, nasi uduk, you name it, it's all there.Lunch time is like a 'little party' for us.After lunch is over, do you go straight back to the office?Uh, no.We would be busy waiting in line at our favorite coffee shop on the ground floor of our office building.Ah, a glass of cappuccino or caramel frappe tastes so perfect to accompany the piled up office tasks!After completing my master's education in the land of Kangaroos, I decided to settle in the city of Melbourne, Australia.Incidentally, my boyfriend, who is an Australian citizen, has steadily invited me to step up the aisle.I think that having an office in Melbourne will get rid of my snacking habits because the prices for food and drinks in Australia are not cheap.One small cup of coffee costs an average of 4 dollars, and the cheapest lunch portion is about 10 dollars.But it turns out, again, I slipped into the habit of snacking.The mixed one-division team from Vietnam, Iran, Sri Lanka, Greece, Israel, China and Nepal, made us so excited to try food from different countries every lunch time.Incidentally our office building is located in the Collins Street area, where various international restaurants are located.In the center of Melbourne, almost every 200 meters there is a tavern.After lunch, we will be busy going to the juice or milk tea shop, raiding each other's favorite drinks.One year working in Melbourne made me think, one cup of coffee for 4 dollars multiplied by 20 working days in a month alone has cost me about 80 dollars.Multiplying a year, that's about 960 dollars!I can buy a return ticket back to Jakarta with the best airline in our country, and that's still left over.Finally, I decided to put the brakes on my coffee habit, and started bringing my own tumblr glass.In the office, tea, coffee, sugar have been prepared, and don't forget that there is a fairly sophisticated coffee machine.I asked a colleague to teach me to use the coffee machine.Incidentally, when he was in college he was a barista, so his knowledge of making coffee was very good.I limit the habit of eating coffee to a maximum of only once a week.A year later, I finally really went home to Jakarta with money saved from the habit of eating coffee!Don't forget to buy my mother's favorite souvenirs, namely honey macadamia nuts, lamingtons, and hanuka honey.Ah, I'm happy that my bad habit has turned into a sweet smile on my beloved mother's face.7 Ways to Take Care of Ears that You Must KnowAiring Every Day, This is the Synopsis of the Sinetron Destiny of Love that I ChooseNia Ramadhani Talks About Fashion, Adjusted to Mood and Place8 Portraits of Wulan Guritno's Style That Makes Her Charming and Ageless at 41 Years OldGracia Indri admits she was afraid when she was pregnant with her first childLucinta Luna claims to be Sarwendah's twin brother14th Anniversary Celebration, Cita Weaving Indonesia Continues to Commit to Advance Indonesian WeavingCooking Taichan Satay Using Premium Meat, Nagita Slavina is Enthusiastic about Steak Hotel-style Meat3 Best Sex Positions That Help Women Achieve OrgasmExplore Indonesian Culinary Variety from Home with Shopee 9.9 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