6 Ways to Take Care of Waffle Molds to Last LongKOMPAS.com - Want to make crunchy waffles like a cafe at home?There are many waffle recipes on the internet that you can easily follow.Some of them use cheap and easy-to-find materials.In addition to preparing the ingredients for making waffle dough, you also need to prepare a waffle mold.Waffle dough must be molded with a tool to ripen and shape it.If you intend to buy waffle molds in the marketplace.It is better to know how to take care of waffle molds so that they last a long time.PIXABAY/ Davies Designs Illustration of a waffle with maple syrup, butter and strawberries.Launching from The Spruce Eats page, the first way to care for waffle molds is to read the usage rules.When buying a waffle mold, the mold is wrapped in cardboard which usually has instructions for use inside.You can study it to find out how to clean and care for waffle molds.Non-stick waffle molds don't require a lot of oil.You only need to apply cooking oil with a brush or spray on the mold before pouring the dough.Avoid using aerosol sprays for cooking as they can leave a thick residue on the surface of the non-stick waffle mold.SHUTTERSTOCK/Helga Grimo illustration of chocolate sauce waffle.When using it, you may notice that there is a waffle dough that is difficult to peel from the mold.If so, don't immediately dip the mold into a tub filled with water.The reason is, this method can only damage the electric waffle mold.Avoid using sharp or metal objects when prying the waffle mixture out of the mould.The reason is, the use of these objects can scratch the surface of the mold.There is a way to prevent the waffle mold from sticking, that is by smearing the empty side with cooking oil.The more you grease the mold with oil, the easier the dough will be taken.Adding from the All Recipes page, there is a correct way to wash waffle molds.Make sure the mold is cold.Wipe with a soapy sponge and make sure the electric heating unit and cables are not submerged in water.Dry the waffle mold thoroughly and thoroughly.A post shared by Foodplace (@my.foodplace)This article is part of Parapuan.Parapuan is a space for women's self-actualization to achieve their dreams.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by Kompas.com editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.