4 Ways to Store Steamed Siomay to Last More Than 1 MonthKOMPAS.com - You can make a lot of steamed dumplings for stock snacks and side dishes.However, make sure to store dumplings properly so that they last longer.You can store steamed dumplings in the chiller or freezer so you can eat them at any time.Pay attention to the tips for storing steamed dumplings from the book "Favorite Recipes for SIOMAY Business" by Ide Cook published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama below.Also read: 4 ways to make dumplings so that they are supple and not sticky in the panPut the dumplings in a closed container or plastic bag before storing the dumplings in the refrigerator.Siomay can last up to 5 days in the refrigerator.We recommend that you write the date, month, and year of making dumplings on the container.SHUTTERSTOCK/IKA RAHMA H Illustration of dim sum dumplings in a container.Put the dumplings in a plastic box or thick airtight plastic bag with a tight lid.Previously, the first exhaust air in the bag as much as possible.The trick, close the hole in the bag, then insert a straw.Then, press the bag to let the air inside escape through the straw.After that, pull the straw and close the hole in the bag.If you have an airtight container, it will be even better so that the dumplings can be stored for more than a month.Also read: 5 Ways to Make Chewy Dimsum Siomay, the Dough is not stickyIf you sell frozen dumplings, you should put ice cubes in the dumpling wrapper.The goal is that the dumpling temperature conditions persist during the trip.In addition, you can also put frozen dumplings into a cooler containing ice.If possible, keep the product away from direct heat while in transit.Also read: 5 Business Tips for Selling Siomay Batagor Bandung, Determine the Right PriceDock.Shutterstock/ Edgunn Dimsum dumplings illustration.The dumplings that you store in the chiller can be removed first so that the temperature is not too cold before steaming.Meanwhile, frozen dumplings must be thawed first.The trick, move the frozen dumplings from the freezer into the chiller.Do this the night before steaming dumplings.Alternatively, remove frozen dumplings from the freezer.Place frozen dumplings in packs under running water.This trick makes frozen dumplings melt quickly.However, make sure there are no holes in the wrapper to prevent water from entering the dumplings.Also read: How to Freeze Homemade Dimsum, Lasts up to 2 MonthsThe book "Favorite Recipes for SIOMAY Enterprises" by Ide Cook published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama is available online at Gramedia.com.This article is part of Parapuan.Parapuan is a space for women's self-actualization to achieve their dreams.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by Kompas.com editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.