, Jakarta Some say money is not everything.It's just that we still need money in life.Managing finances, making financial plans for a certain period of time, realizing dreams through good financial planning, investment plans and buying a house, to experiences related to giving debt or indebtedness, we must have experienced.Many aspects of our lives are closely related to money.Now, in the September 2020 Share Your Stories Contest: Me and Money, all of Fimela's friends can share writings related to experiences, personal stories, stories, or points of view related to money.Like the following article.Me and money are very closely related topics in our society.We don't need to go far to take the example closest to us.Yes, family.I happen to be a housewife who has to deal with family financial problems every day.Every day I have to deal with money from shopping for kitchen needs, children's needs, business needs, daily and monthly expenses and many more.The problems of mothers are generally the same, the dilemma between fulfilling one's own desires and the needs of the family, especially children and husbands.Had the intention of raising money to buy inceran skincare, coveted shoes but once collected, felt that children's clothes and toys were more important, the child's body care had run out.Then later regretted when the dream shoes were sold out.What makes you feel bad and not enthusiastic about playing with children.Or trying to relax but the heart can't be invited to move on which makes the sadness prolonged and makes the atmosphere of the house so gloomy.For working mothers, it is possible to minimize the "guilt" because they feel they can earn their own money without having to wait for their husband's salary.Usually it's IRT whose drama, dilemma, and shopping crisis are full of conflict, intrigue and inner conflict.Because I don't feel "producing", I really like to spend money on something that is not really important.Not to mention the difficulty of making a scientific explanation if the husband asks, "How come that money has run out, what do you buy it for?"with a suspicious look.So, it must be strived for housewives to make themselves happy.For the children, for the husband, for the family.To get around the "guilt" of having spent money for "spree" and the prestige of asking your husband for money or fear of being dragged to the KPK on charges of corruption and embezzlement, we can use methods like these to get extra money, for example:1. Ask for Permission to Open a BusinessIf you choose to have a career again, you will never get the blessing of your husband.Ask for permission to open a small business to increase your financial coffers.Can be online or open a beverage outlet or anything that can make money.Because every woman wants to develop, explore her own abilities and work, so as not to get hung up on household routines that will definitely have a saturation side.2. Ask your husband for work and salaryWe can also ask our husbands for work, if it is felt that the husband's duties have piled up, are mounting and will soon erupt.Give your help with terms and conditions apply.Her job is to help her husband arrange billing notes, make financial reports, print, photocopy, and tidy up files, for example.Or anything outside of our routine as a wife.And ask for a fair salary.When your husband borrows shopping money to buy cigarettes, charge the highest interest rate when you return it.Set the due date as soon as possible and set a fine per day of delay.Undoubtedly our pockets will be thick.The wife's income is also in the husband's pocket which will enter the washing machine.So be diligent in washing, then you will find hope and a smile afterward.Relics of change and sheets from husband's change when buying cigarettes, instant noodles or lighters.We can use it.It is undeniable that money will always be attached to our daily lives, and that is how important it is.The need for money in the household is just a small example.For housewives, don't forget to always hone your skills because we are required to be adaptive to the development and progress of the times.Because in this day and age more and more people measure success by the high position and the amount of money.Therefore, many of us are vying for success by aiming for high positions and trying our best to pursue a lot of material things.Even though we sometimes don't really need a lot of money, the important thing is enough.And sometimes we just need acknowledgment from others that we have been successful.