The winning thirds in the end? Among the Protos: Robinson Pozzoli – Arno Biston (1026 – Uoum), Romain Van Enis – Arno Machado (630 – James Caird) and Thas Le Cam – Julien Letissier (1068 – Frrots Sailing). Among the Srie: Ulysse David – Bruno Lemunier (1025 – TheAdventure Adventure d’Ulysse), Thomas Andr – Philippe Andr (929 – Frankiz) and Jean Marre – Brieuc Le Bec (991 – Sport dans la Ville – Time for the Planet).
Leaving early Thursday afternoon, the (first) tandems of the Duo Concarneau – Challenge Mare Haute completed the 285 mile course of this 4e edition between Concarneau, Les Sables d’Olonne, the plateau of Rochebonne, the Birvideaux and the Glnan this Saturday. “It wasn’t easy but what a hell of a race! Our leitmotif was to have as much fun as possible and from the start, we found ourselves in total symbiosis. The descent downwind in strong winds went well. We really wanted to test the boat and see what it had in store, even though we had already tried a lot of things during the first races of the season. Being in racing mode, we naturally took a few risks but we were sometimes a little restrained because there are still levers to be found on the boat to make it go even faster. Still, we are obviously super happy”, comment Robinson Pozzoli and Arno Biston, authors of a race full of panache. A race won with more than three hours ahead of their nearest pursuers, shortly after 10 am this morning. « The gap does not represent the intensity of the regatta because we really had to fight », detailed the two co-skippers of Uoum who made a first break on the close leg between Les Sables d’Olonne and Rochebonne before driving the point home on the last third of stage fright. “We were rather well inspired once past Petite Barge. From the first two legs we managed to get back to the front. Then we made the hole. Overall, we were quite impressed with the boat’s acceleration capabilities,” added Robinson, who scored his fifth podium this season aboard his Finot Conq design, but his first victory on the circuit.
Same thing for Ulysse David and his sidekick Bruno Lemunier at the Srie boats. “We dreamed of winning and winning the house. We did it ! commented the two residents of the Ple Mini 6.50 in Concarneau who perfectly avoided the pitfalls of the course but who nevertheless, it must be admitted, benefited from the « dumpling » of the pair William Ollivier – Thomas de Dinechin. Indeed, while the latter was heading straight for victory with a margin of 4 miles ahead of his nearest rivals, he failed to cross the Voleuse, one of the very last marks of the course. “It made us happy, that’s for sure. This time again, we were still a dozen fighting for victory. The leader changed regularly. We could be first for a moment then 10e the next moment it was so tight”, explained the two sailors who never let go despite problems with the aerial but also with the bowsprit. “We have come back a bit from afar and obviously we are super delighted. The last few miles have been very stressful. There was no moment when we could ease off, « assured the duo of L’adventure Adventure of Ulysses. And for good reason, in their Serie category, the match remained dense until the last lengths, as evidenced by the tiny gaps at the finish: less than fifteen minutes between the first four.
“It was really intense. The hierarchy has never stopped being turned upside down », confirmed Jean Marre who, after leading the discussions for a while during the descent at full throttle downwind with up to 30-35 knots of wind, finally took 4e place this afternoon, shortly after 3 p.m. “With Brieuc, we got a bit tricked on the upwind leg between Petite Barge and Rochebonne. It was dark and there were a lot of squalls. It was not easy and we miscalculated the currents. We fought to go up then then a ridge reshuffled the cards at the end, with air pockets. There was a really big fight and it was great. We thank Will and Thomas who gave us this podium,” added the skipper of Sport dans la Ville – Time for the Planet. “It’s definitely frustrating for us to have forgotten the brand of La Voleuse when we were in the lead. There was a little misunderstanding about his location but despite everything we chose to arrive with a smile, keeping in mind the fact that we really had a good race,” said Thomas de Dinechin, 14e of the last Mini Transat, which has, in fact, always played at the forefront before having to « settle » for the 5e place in the general classification. “It’s a mistake we won’t make again, that’s for sure! We want to remember only the good and it was a really great race. A very committed and rewarding race at all levels”.
Belgian Romain Van Enis and Arno Machado (630 – James Caird), 2e in Proto: “We didn’t expect a result like this, especially against so many latest-generation boats. We pushed the machine well downwind in the strong wind. So much that we had a small loss of energy at the end because it was really very committed. The boat was permanently underwater. It was completely new to sail in this type of conditions on such a long leg, but it turned out to be very instructive for what followed. The last miles in the ptole? This season, we’ve gotten used to it. We’ve always had complicated ends! We’re happy because we’ve widened a bit behind those behind, having prepared well for the finish on the Glnans. We anticipated the maneuvers and our choice of sails well, which allowed us to attack right away, unlike some who were probably a little more hesitant. We are very happy”.
Thas Le Cam and Julien Letissier (1068 – Frrots Sailing), 3e in Proto: “The boat’s first race and first podium: obviously we’re happy. However, we started off with our bowsprit off Trvignon, shortly after the start. We did all the downwind under solent but we really didn’t come out badly even if it’s true that it was a little frustrating not to be able to send more canvas. Despite everything, we made good progress and we recovered well. We are happy with what we have seen. The conditions really weren’t easy. Between Petite Barge and Rochebonne, we sometimes saw sacred embankments rising in front of us! Afterwards, we stayed tanned upwind like everyone else and we took the opportunity to make a makeshift repair to our bowsprit with a fender, which saved us from being scratched at the end. We really never loose anything! »
Thomas and Philippe André (929 – Frankiz), 2e in Series: “With my father, we had already participated in the race in 2018. We had then finished 3e having had a bit of luck at the end. Coming back this year, we obviously hoped to do better, but we knew it wouldn’t be easy with a big pack of Maxi 6.50 ready to do battle in muscular conditions. I must admit that we did not really believe it! We had a bit of success in the pole and in addition we took advantage of the fact that Kasinos Bretagne forgot a mud. It is also the Game Game #Game rgate! »
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