Chapter Two contains some of the most devilish puzzles in Yurukill: The Calumniation Games. Here's how to solve them.
Chapter Two of Yurukill: The Calumniation Games opens with arguably the game's hardest puzzle. The clues are vague at best and misleading at worst, but on the bright side it gets the brutal brainteaser out of the way early.
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Whether you're stuck on the keypad puzzle or one of the later challenges in the Old House Treasure Hunt, this guide will take you through the entire chapter step by step. There are also tips for the Yurukill Judgment sequence at the end of the point-and-click segment, which you may need as Futa has the most complicated fighter to pilot.
This guide contains spoilers for Chapter Two of Yurukill: The Calumniation Games
After Binko’s introduction to the attraction, start by talking to the robot in a wig in the center of the room. You’ll receive the Incident Overview.
Examine the dresser on the right, followed by the wall scroll to the left. It’s easy to assume that the panel is looking for something like the number of petals or leaves on the scroll, but this puzzle requires a serious leap of logic to complete.
The wall scroll is hinting that the pad needs to spell the word “VINE.” If you select all three hints, Raita will not that the Roman numeral for six is VI. Press the red Reset button on the pad to clear the pad and only enter the number six in the second space, leaving the first space blank. This should unlock the drawer.
Use the knife inside the drawer on the robot to unlock the other doors in the room. You now need to recover the passbook and the seal from the side rooms before continuing forward.
In the left-hand room, start by examining the piece of paper on the table. It has the kanji for Joy, Anger, Grief, and Pleasure written on it.
Check the locked cabinet on the left side of the room, then look at the shelves full of kokeshi dolls by the door. Arrange the four central dolls so that their facial expressions match the order of emotions on the note. The cabinet will open, allowing you to claim the Passbook,
Upon returning to the center room, Raita will have the Seal already, saving you the trouble of solving another puzzle.
Give the Passbook to the robot to receive another document, then use the knife on it to receive a further set of clues and open the door to the next area.
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When you encounter the second robot, show it the ring you received from the first robot to start the next puzzle. Before leaving, examine the bottom drawer to the right of the robot.
Like the previous area, go to the room on the left while Raita checks the room to the right. You’ll find yourself in the house’s kitchen. Start by taking the note that’s hanging on the fridge and examining the dumplings on the table.
Next, turn on the stove on the left side of the room to heat the tea kettle, then examine the kettle to reveal a hidden message. It shows the order of different colors of dumplings on their skewers, indicating a digit for each one.
Check the Yurukill Memory from the pause menu to compare the dumplings with the diagram. The dumplings match the digits for 296; enter that code on the locked cabinet on the far-left side.
When the cabinet is opened, Raita will take over the search, sending Futa back to the central room. Check the previously-locked drawer to the right of the robot to find it open. Inside, you’ll find a hint for the safe in the kitchen.
Matching the symbols on the board to the note from the drawer, the safe combination is 4989.
After opening the safe, you'll be confronted with a Maji-Kill Time challenge. Answer Raita's questions as follows to survive:
After surviving Kagura’s trial, the final robot will challenge you to collect more cash from the last rooms than Raita. She informs you that of the three hints on the safes in front of her, one of them is a lie. The third safe’s hint is blank, so there is currently no way of discerning which safe is correct.
Start by checking everything in the room that you can. The dresser, the bed, the two sets of shelves to the left, and all three safes. Once you’ve examined everything, you can enter the room to the left.
Check the two piles of boxes by the door, the dresser in the center of the room, the pile of books on top of the dresser, the china cabinet, the bookshelf, the boxes to the left of the bookshelf, and the cupboards underneath the bookshelf.
In your search, you’ll find the hint for Safe C. It says that “A is telling a lie.”
When you return to the center room, choose to believe Raita when he says he found a hint that refutes the robot. Since only one safe is telling the truth according to Raita, the correct safe is B; Safe C is telling the truth about A lying, meaning A does not contain ten million yen. Since Safe B is also lying, it must contain the money.
The puzzle is tricky; instead of picking which safe to open, you need to choose which safe is telling the truth. The correct answer, therefore, is C, which will cause Futa to open Safe B.
After opening Safe B, you'll proceed to the chapter's Yurukill Judgment phase.
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Futa’s secondary weapons fire in the opposite direction from which he is currently moving. If he is stationary, the secondary weapons continue their current targeting until he moves.
Use the fist few waves to get used to Futa's play style. Be ready for round enemies to spawn mid-map who fills the screen with circular laser fire. Don't try to be fancy when fighting them, and focus on avoiding the lasers.
The first boss is flanked by green crystals that spawn enemies, so destroy them first. You can either use Futa's secondary weapons to focus fire on a single crystal, or angle them to damage two of the targets simultaneously.
When the crystals are destroyed, you'll only have to contend with the purple shots the boss fires down the center of the screen. Fly along the exact center to get between the streams of projectiles, and move slightly downward to get your secondary weapons firing directly at the boss. If you're positioned correctly you won't need to move until the boss's health bar is completely depleted.
In the second phase of the fight, Kagura will teleport around the screen, spawning more crystals that send projectiles toward you. If you're confident that you can avoid the projectiles, just focus on wearing down Kagura's Mind Wall. If the crystals prove to be too much, use your secondary weapons to split attacks between Kagura and the nearest crystal and try to destroy a crystal each time she teleports.
When you reach the first Prejudice Synapse, use the kitchen knife as evidence of the twins’ innocence. This is another piece of evidence that’s never alluded to before, but the blood on the knife apparently suggests a right-handed attacker, while both Futa and Raita are left-handed.
In the third phase, Kagura spawns several crystals and repeatedly teleports, swapping her position and those of the surviving crystals. Keep firing at the boss unless she's at the very bottom of the screen; you can't do much damage while she's in that position so take the opportunity to smash crystals and reduce the number of shots you have to dodge.
The main challenge in the second stage is navigating close quarters without hitting any of the many walls. On your first time through, pick a path and stick with it. Trying to visit every possible route while the screen continues to scroll is risky and often doesn't carry much reward.
When Kagura returns for another round of battle, watch out for crates floating up from the bottom of the screen. They can't be destroyed, so just weave in between them until the boss appears.
Kagura's crystals will continuously pull numerous crates from behind you. You won't be able to get a clear shot at the boss until the boxes are dealt with, so destroy the crystals while avoiding crates as best you can. You can expect to lose a few lives during this phase unless your piloting skills are top-notch.
Once the crystals are dealt with, stay near the bottom of the screen and fire continuously at the boss. You'll need to dodge far to the left or right when her volleys get too close, but it shouldn't take more than one or two cycles to deplete her health bar.
When Kagura deploys a Mind Wall, she also spawns two crystals that remain directly in front of her. You can technically still damage her from the sides, but it's much faster to blast your way through the crystals and maintain a frontal assault.
Beware of the drones spawned by the crystals in this phase; they explode when destroyed, potentially damaging your ship and absorbing shots for a few seconds. The drones are another great reason to take out the crystals quickly.
In the second Synapse, use the Incident Overview to prove that Raita wasn’t the culprit. Raita doesn’t smoke, so even if Futa is guilty the presence of a cigarette butt exonerates Raita.
When you return to the battle for phase three, ignore the crystals and fire directly at Kagura. She will periodically charge forward, telegraphed by a shift in her mech's pose. Dodge to either side and try to shoot down a crystal while you wait for the boss to reset. Defeating Kagura here will bring you to the third and final stage of Futa's Yurukill Judgment.
Don't worry about the crates you see flying around in this stage - they're just in the background and can't do any damage to you. Compared to the previous stage, the flight to the final battle against Kagura is a breeze. The enemies are all types you've faced before, and the main challenge is when three large laser ships appear at the same time about midway through.
When you reach Kagura, her mech will transform Sleuthing Scout, the Bloodstone Blade. For the first phase of the fight, stay at the bottom of the screen. You're out of reach from Sleuthing Scout's blades there, and you can easily dodge the mech's bullets while returning fire.
When Kagura deploys Brain Barriers, use the same strategy as you did in the stage two boss fight to destroy the teleporting crystals at each cardinal point.
After the Brain Barriers are destroyed, Sleuthing Scout will resume its spinning-blades maneuvers. Instead of bullets, however, it will fire a large, dangerous beam that tracks slowly toward you. When Sleuthing Scout charges its beam weapon, get to the top of the screen to the left or right of the mech. Just before it fires (telegraphed by a pulse of light), move back down to the bottom. This will buy you plenty of time to shoot as the boss slowly tries to turn its weapons toward you.
Be sure you're targeting the boss's main body during this phase. The wings on its back can be damaged and destroyed, but doing so doesn't affect the enemy health bar.
Before the final stage of the battle with Kagura, you'll need to clear her Mind Maze.
Just as you did with Sengoku in the previous chapter, complete the sentences correctly to reach the final boss battle for Chapter Two. The answers are:
In the next phase, Sleuthing Scout remains at the top center of the screen, unleashing a heavy barrage of bullets while periodically firing its beam cannon. It might be tempting to stay below the boss and fire indiscriminately, but this will usually result in getting hit by the beam. Be patient and move back and forth horizontally to stay safe as you whittle down Kagura's health bar.
If you're playing this chapter as part of Story Mode, you can instead fly directly into the beam to quickly charge your Outburst Meter and deliver the killing blow with a bomb.
Next: RPGs With The Darkest Storylines
Matt Arnold is an actor and writer based in New York. A lifelong gamer, he draws on a decade of experience in the tabletop industry. Support your local game store!