Bringing you yesterday's news from Japan and Asia, today.
Who knew the seemingly specialized kitchen gadget was so multitalented?
Of all the gadgets you can stock your kitchen with, a sandwich maker seems like one of the least necessary. An entire machine, just to half-cook my sandwich bread? Isn’t that already the toaster’s job?
But it turns out that the deceptively named “sandwich” maker can make other things, too. If you’re not confident in your flapjack flipping facilities, you can pour your pancake batter right in and let the sandwich maker do the rest of the work.
▼ Keep the batter from overflowing, and you’ll get classy triangular pancakes like these.
Not only is this perfect for those times when your rice cooker is occupied, since the sandwich maker will cook your hotcakes from above and below, any mix-ins you add will form a delicious middle layer.
▼ Remember, anko (sweet red beans) makes everything better!
A post shared by かずお氏 (@kazseki883_yade) on Oct 27, 2015 at 7:02am PDT
Looking to make something even more Japanese than anko pancakes? If you can get your hands on some of the glutinous rice flour called mochiko, you can cook up a batch of mochi in your sandwich maker.
▼ Alternatively, you can make mochi waffles, if you’ve got a waffle iron.
ワッフルメーカーで焼いた餅 モッフル
Finally, although they’re probably the farthest thing from what the machine’s designers imagined it’d be used for, your sandwich maker can also help you whip up these elegant-looking delectable.
Believe it or not, they started out as nikuman (pork buns), also called bao or baozi in Chinese dialects. Simply pick up a couple from the convenience store or market, and heat them until their outer layer turns a golden brown.
So if you’re trying to justify the purchase of some new kitchen equipment, remember: It’s not just a sandwich maker, it’s a sandwich/pancake/mochi/nikuman maker!
Source: Naver Matome Top image: Twitter/@yuqui_snow Insert image: Twitter/@yanonnoo
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