Jokowi and Megawati 'King Maker' for the 2024 Presidential Candidate Pair, Observers Reveal the Reason - Suara Riau

2022-08-19 23:48:46 By : Mr. Jeremy Chen

Eko Faizin Wednesday, 11 May 2022 |06:05 - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the General Chair of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri, are said to be playing important roles in the upcoming 2024 presidential election."Both of them are 'king makers'," said Robi Sugara, a political observer from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday (10/5/2022).According to him, both of them have the political ability to determine who will determine the pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates in 2024."Jokowi as president for two terms carried by the PDI-P, has militant supporters and of course the President's opinion will be highly considered in determining the pair of candidates carried by the bull party in the 2024 presidential election," he said.Meanwhile, Megawati as the general chairman of the PDI-P DPP in addition to having the most votes in the 2019 election, this party has ideological followers and one command.He believes that the politically rational choice of the two king makers is to combine Prabowo Subianto-Puan Maharani in the 2024 presidential election."These two couples are very likely," he said.For Jokowi, Prabowo and Puan are close people who have been his subordinates.Prior to serving as chairman of the DPR, Puan served as Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture in Jokowi's first leadership, 2014-2019."It can be said that President Jokowi is satisfied with Puan's performance because she continues to be used until the end of the first term of office. Puan is not re-elected as a minister simply because she was elected as chairman of the DPR," he said.Meanwhile, Prabowo is also the defense minister in President Jokowi's current cabinet.Although Jokowi and Prabowo have fought fiercely in the 2014 and 2019 presidential elections, their relationship is still good.Based on the BMKG weather forecast, the weather in Jakarta in all areas of DKI is sunny and cloudy in the morning.Thus, today there are 19,387 active COVID-19 cases in Jakarta, or a decrease of 76 cases from yesterday.The normalization process for the Dato Tonggara Reservoir is targeted to be completed in September this year."Not all activities can be carried out in the circuit," said the Deputy Governor of DKI.When asked about the possibility of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to accompany Prabowo in the 2024 Election, Riza Patria did not want to say much."For the two bodies that have not been identified, we have taken DNA samples," said Nyoman Eddy at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, Friday (19/8/2022).The motor vehicle tax whitening policy program in West Java does not only target private vehicle owners, but also industry players."I really like to see this child is polite, his voice is really good," wrote the netizen.BRI also provides attractive promos for its customers."PT PERSIB Bandung Dignity officially announces the appointment of Luis Milla as coach,"His condition is not yet known, but it can be ascertained that the victim died from the accident.Jalan Gedong Empat or Opat, Cimahi has a long historical record.Police arrested the perpetrator of the arson of a student in Sarang District, Rembang Regency, Central JavaEfforts to liberate Indonesia from intolerance and radicalism are still a shared task or homework that needs to be completed by all IndonesiansThe theft that occurred at the house of a village head (kades) in Tegal Regency was caught on CCTV camerasChoosing a car according to your needs is very important because it will determine your future expenses.The Magelang Police Satreskrim has handed over the file for the murder of a junior high school student in Grabag to the Magelang State Prosecutor's OfficeTo activate the hazard lights, all you have to do is look for the red triangle symbol on the car dashboard.Madura United FC won the match against Dewa United FC in the Indonesian League 1 match at the Gelora Stadium, Bangkalan, East Java, Friday (19/08/2022) tonight.These six people are Ferdy Sambo and five other high-ranking police officers.Tragic accident in Mojokerto, East Java (East Java).A brother and sister riding a motorbike were killed by a truck loaded with LPG.The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named the suspect as the former head of the East Java Bappeda, Budi Setiawan (BS), based on the legal facts of the trial of the former Tulungagung Regent.The chronology of the sodomy case against a student in Jombang, East Java (East Java) which was allegedly carried out by the Bojonegoro District Attorney was revealed after the victim called his parents.The storm came after weeks of heatwaves and droughts that swept across much of continental Europe."On behalf of the Governor and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, I am very happy, I appreciate the TransJakarta MoU with the private sector, because it is something good and extraordinary," said Riza.Until 19.00 WIB, Friday, the house seemed deserted.There are no activities such as getting in and out of police officers' cars or anything else.Rizky admitted that when he first met the figure of Gus Samsudin, he believed and even was amazed by his supernatural powers.The Tangerang Police are now examining two Islamic boarding schools managers regarding the deadly incident.The suspect has an interest in seeking information about the victim.The old grandfather was threatened with being snared with a maximum sentence of up to the death penalty.The following is the weather forecast for today, Saturday (20/8/2022), in Bantul Regency, Sleman, Kulon Progo, Gunungkidul, and Yogyakarta City, DIY.That category is whether or not the specified required documents are complete.This transmigration program is one of the national development strategies to develop economic growth in Indonesia.What are the rules for the dispute process in the election registration?Djokdja Pitulasan is also a place to invite and bring together various local brands to get to know each other.Tariq Halilintar alluded to his parents' blessing on his relationship with Fuji.Until 19.00 WIB, Friday, the house seemed deserted.There are no activities such as getting in and out of police officers' cars or anything else.Get a narrow victory against Persebaya, Borneo FC coach: Dead ball is our mainstayThis is evidence that the National Police Chief is serious and constructive in investigating the murder case of Brigadier J,One important aspect of IKN development is the use of digital technologyEach gas station is given a circular so as not to serve the purchase of subsidized diesel in excess of the vehicle's tank capacityThis is related to the issue of public trust in the Polri institution and this is a shared gambleNow, the Free Fire Redeem Code for August 20, 2022 can be claimed.Because it has a time limit or limit, the code must be claimed immediately.The ship ran aground while maneuvering backwards from Gilimanuk Harbor.This is called Erick Thohir is also a request from President Joko Widodo.For more than 40 years Made has been making a living on Kuta Beach as a seller of accessories.The location of the victim's fall is in an area that is quite steep, for beginner climbers from Pelawang it is estimated that it will take 7 hours and about 10 hours.A husband and wife selling meatballs named Hadi (36) and Laili Jamila (39) were arrested by the West Denpasar Police.Both were arrested for circulating thousands of Koplo pills in the Denpasar area.Denny Darko revealed that both Luna Maya and Ariel Noah have not made a commitment to anyone.With Heard's current economic difficulties, word got out that an agency called Zen Models offered him a contract.It was the aftermath of their role in the film 'Broken Wings'.They act as husband and wife in the film.He is said to have been released on parole as confirmed by Nurdin's former aide, Yova Apriazir.He said, currently Nurdin was on his way from Bandung to Jakarta.It is suspected that the perpetrator of the shooting of the cats was a member of the TNI with the rank of a one-star general, namely Brigadier General TNI NA.The seven projects in question are the construction of an overpass (fly over) at the Ramayana intersection, the arrangement of the airport road, the arrangement of the old city area, the integration of platforms 1 and 2In addition, the event will be enlivened by singers King Nassar, Virzha, and Nikita Mawarni.The search was a continuation of the investigation into an online gambling case that was raided by the North Sumatra Police.He faces the death penalty or a maximum imprisonment of 20 years.Arief was also reminded to work honestly, truthfully, bravely, sincerely and sincerely.Bobby Nasution's anti-extortion attitude made people feel protected.Luhut said Tesla had actually entered Indonesia.The situation is better in the gas sector even though it is not included in the top ten countries with the world's largest gas reservesThis is a form of BRI's commitment to raise the potential of MSMEs which are the backbone of the national economy."My magic, please wait," said Red Magician, quoted from Youtube Sambel Lalap, Friday (19/8/2022).Again, the Red Magician challenged with a joking tone to the invitation to witchcraft.Just like her husband, Putri was charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code regarding premeditated murder as well as an accompanying article.In the near future the Indonesian Forensic Doctors Association (PDFI) will also submit the results of the re-autopsy of Brigadier J.Until now Agus still does not believe this case dragged Ferdy and his wife.Because they are well known.This is the figure and profile of Putri Candrawati, wife of Ferdy SamboSuharyanto gave five directions in accelerating the use of grant funds that had been given by BNPB to districts/cities in South Sulawesi Province.Investigators have named sister PC as a suspect," Agung explained at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency, South Jakarta, Friday (18/8/2022).The construction of elevated or at grade rails can both be profitable.But it has to be studied firstNot only that.The victim's red car was also damaged by the perpetrators, estimated to be more than five people.Finally managed to find the Joint SAR team while conducting a search on Mount Bawakaraeng.Alhamdulillah, found safeThe Head of the National Police Propam Division has reported that (PTDH) is still in the filing processWow, we're shaking!It's easier to run than walk on the catwalkSo far, the indications of corruption that have been reported are still vague, unclearWe hope and recommend Mother PC's rights as women in conflict with the law to be respected and fulfilled by the stateGet the latest and most up-to-date information sent directly to your Inbox© 2022 - All Rights Reserved.