Get to know 9 Types of Espresso Based Coffee, so you don't order the wrong – For coffee lovers, you may be familiar with names such as latte, cappuccino, or macchiato.Also read: What's the Difference in the Taste of Espresso Coffee Using Arabica Beans with Robusta?However, for those of you who are not familiar, it is better to pay attention to the types of coffee below so you don't get the wrong message when visiting the cafe.If you pay close attention, you may find the word 'espresso based' on the menus in many cafes in Indonesia.Espresso based are all types of drinks made from espresso.Espresso is a type of coffee that is brewed using a special machine called an espresso machine.The coffee beans are extracted by pressure from the machine.Also read: Is it true that how to brew coffee will affect the taste?Hot water will flow through the coffee beans that have been finely ground under pressure from the machine.The result is a strong coffee liquid with a sharp odor.Drinks that use espresso usually have the same three compositions.Namely espresso, hot milk (steamed milk), and foam milk (foam milk).Dock.Shutterstock/wsantina Espresso illustration.Espresso is the basic ingredient for various types of coffee drinks.Some types of coffee with espresso basic ingredients can even be added with complementary toppings.Here are some types of espresso based blends that you can order at the cafe.Short macchiato is almost similar to the basic ingredient, namely espresso.The difference is, the short macchiato is given a little hot milk and foam so that the taste is not as strong as the espresso.Baristas have their own methods and recipes for making short macchiatos.However, if you follow the traditional recipe, short macchiato can be made with a composition of one shot of espresso with milk foam.One shot equals 25-35 ml according to the Specialty Coffee Association of America.The long macchiato is slightly different from its “brother”, the shot macchiato.This type of coffee uses two espresso shots in its manufacture so the taste tends to be heavy.This recipe is also quite simple.Americano is just a combination of espresso and warm water.The general ratio is 1/3 of the glass filled with espresso and the rest warm water.For example, if you are making Americano in a glass with a capacity of 150 ml, then you need to mix 50 ml of espresso and 100 ml of warm water.Latte or café latte is an espresso-based drink mixed with hot milk and micro-foam.This coffee has a much sweeter taste than espresso because of the addition of hot milk.Latte itself means milk in Italian.The mix of a latte is usually a shot of espresso with hot milk and 1 cm of milk foam on top.Cappuccino has the same ingredients as latte.The difference is in the amount of composition.A cappuccino has more milk foam on it than a latte.The thickness of the cappuccino milk foam is usually 3 centimeters.Flat white has a composition of espresso and hot milk.In contrast to latte and cappuccino which still mix milk foam into it.Flat white is made by mixing a shot of espresso and hot milk.Basically, a piccolo latte is a café latte made in an espresso cup.This gives the piccolo a very strong espresso taste but is slightly subtle due to the mixture of milk and foam.Café mocha or often also called mocha is a mixture of cappuccino and hot chocolate.The mocha is made with a mixture of cocoa powder and a shot of espresso.This mixture is then continued with the process of making a cappuccino in general.Affogato is one type of coffee that is often used as a dessert.Usually affogato is enjoyed in the summer and after dinner.Affogato is made by placing a large scoop of vanilla ice cream into a shot or two of espresso.This article is part of Parapuan.Parapuan is a space for women's self-actualization to achieve their dreams.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.