HAI-Online.com – Breaking the fast with a cold drink may have become a habit that is often done by some Indonesians in the month of Ramadan.Can you imagine how fresh the iced tea, ice compote, ice kopyor and fruit ice are served after a dozen hours of holding back thirst and hunger?Also read: Emotional Eating When Stress Makes Your Diet So Bad, Here Are 5 Tips To Overcome It!If you are one of those who likes to break your fast with a cold drink, I think you should start trying other alternatives.Because, judging from the health aspect, iftar with warm water is considered better than cold water.Launching Kompas.com (25/4/2020), General Physician at PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta Hospital, dr.Dien Kalbu Ady, is of the view that starting iftar by drinking warm water is more than cold water.Because, he explained, warm water will not cause many side effects such as cold water or ice when consumed during iftar.Also Read: Want to Travel?Pay attention to this during the GeNose test in the fasting monthHe also explained, drinking cold water or ice on an empty stomach after fasting can trigger contractions in the stomach.That's because the stomach has just received a fluid with a temperature much different from body temperature.So, starting iftar by drinking cold water can cause indigestion for those who do it.This condition can especially occur in people with ulcer disease.Drinking cold water when breaking the fast can also trigger a person to become sick more easily.That's because, one of the effects of drinking cold water when breaking the fast is that it can trigger excess mucus production in the body.Meanwhile, excess mucus can reduce the function of the body's defense system so that it is susceptible to infection or disease.Also Read: 1.1 Billion Teens Are At Risk Of Hearing Loss Because The Music Volume Is Too LoudDrinking cold water also has the effect of causing headaches even though the level is mild.Another reason why iftar with warm water is better than cold water is also inseparable from the benefits of warm water itself.FYI, warm water itself is considered to be able to help smooth the process of digestion of food.If added sugar or sweetened, warm water can help restore energy after a day of fasting.However, dr.Dien certainly can't forbid people to break their fast with cold water.He only suggested that the consumption of cold water when breaking the fast should be done some time after a big meal and drink plain water first.Citing Healthline, it is also explained that warm water can help the digestive process.Warm drinks have a vasodilator effect.Also read: Don't be afraid to be called crybaby, here are 8 benefits of crying for yourselfThis effect can dilate blood vessels and dilate blood vessels and stimulate blood flow to rush towards the intestines.Besides having a vasodilator effect, drinking warm water can also hydrate the body faster.Not only that, warm water is considered to help blood circulation and overall helps the body get rid of toxins faster.Drinking warm water can help increase the body's primary temperature.That way, the sweat glands will be stimulated.When the body sweats, toxins in the body also come out.(*)Also Read: Why Do Cities in the World Have Different Durations of Ramadan Fasting?Even the Longest Can Up To 20 Hours!This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title "Why is breaking the fast with warm water better than cold water?"Check other News and Articles on Google NewsAdjar |Bobo |Bolanas |Bolasport |BallStylo |Smart Shopping |Very Girl |Fotokita |Grid Fame |Grid Games |Grid Health |Hot Grid |Motorcycle Grid |Grid Pop |Star Grid |Grid.ID |Gridoto |Hi |HITS |Hype |iDEA |Computer Info |Abstract |Digest Plus |Jip.co.id |Champion |Kids |Kitchenesia |MakeMac |Motorplus |Nakita |National Geographic |Nextren |Nova |Otofemale |Otomania.com |Otomotifnet.com |Autorace |Autosecond |Parapuan |Delicious Food |Figure |Sportfeat |Style |Flare |Superball |Videos |Weekend |Gridstore.id |Gridvoice |GRID Story Factory |Gramedia.com |Digital Gramedia |KG Media