Rep: Rusdy Nurdiansyah/ Red: Endro YuwantoMayor of Depok, Mohammad Idris.REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DEPOK -- The Mayor of Depok, Mohammad Idris, officially operates the Automated Dukcapil Pavilion (ADM) machine at Depok Town Square (Detos).It is hoped that the service for making population documents can be faster and more effective in the future so that it will be easier for people to access population services in Depok."Alhamdullilah, the Depok City Government continues to strive to provide services that make it easier for residents to access population documents, such as electronic ID cards, family cards, death certificates, and birth certificates," said Idris after inaugurating the ADM machine at Detos, Monday (21/12). ).According to Idris, the plan is that by 2021, Depok City will have a total of five machines.The five units will be spread across Depok City."The Depok City Government will install ADM in locations that can reach the entire community of Depok City. For example in the western areas in Cinere, Limo, or eastern areas such as Tapos, Cimanggis," he explained.Idris said, another benefit of this ADM machine can prevent illegal levies (extortion).Especially during a pandemic like now that uses all-digital services.Residents can take care of residence documents online from home, then print through the ADM machine.“The first ADM at The Park Sawangan is a grant from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri).Meanwhile, Detos comes from the Depok City Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD)," said Idris.Idris added, specifically at Detos, there will also be a population service outlet complete with officers.This step is taken so that the community can get services and information related to population."All these efforts are in the context of the success of the Indonesian Awareness Adminduk Movement (GISA), which is the embodiment of a happy service," he concluded.The Death of Santri and the Law of Persecuting Others According to IslamWhy Does God Allow Evil to Exist?The History of the Umayyad Mosque, a Beautiful Building Built during the Golden Age of IslamSatan uses this loophole to shake a Muslim's faithIs it permissible for Muslims to use a comb made of sea urchin?The funeral is expected to take place about 11 days after the Queen's death.Physical or non-physical abuse is strictly prohibited in IslamQueen Elizabeth II became the first British monarch to achieve the Platinum Jubilee.More than 100 million people use PeduiLindung.Mardiono previously mentioned that the PPP Murkenas complies with the rules.Phone: 021 780 3747 Fax: 021 799 7903 Email: (Editor) (Editor) (Marketing)Copyright © 2018, All right reserved