Yannick Hornez comes to the table with a recipe from around the world this Friday.Preparation: 30 min – Cooking: 10 min – Cost: ** – Difficulty: **.15 cl of lukewarm water5g fresh yeast150g minced pork50g chopped chives1 tbsp chopped fresh ginger1 tbsp soy sauce1 tbsp sherry wine1 tbsp sesame oilDilute the yeast with lukewarm water.Knead the flour with the sugar and the yeast.Form a homogeneous ball.Let the dough rise, covered with a cloth, for 2 hours in a warm place.Cook the egg in an omelette with a little oil, break it into small pieces.Mix the meat with the soy sauce, wine, ginger and sesame oil.Add the egg and chives, mix and set aside.Roll out the dough into 12 small thick patties 10 cm in diameter.Distribute the stuffing in the middle of each disc and close.Leave to rest in a steamer container on a sheet of parchment paper for 45 minutes.Steam the baozi for 10 minutes and leave them in the basket for 5 minutes off the heat.> Discover other recipes© Rossel & Cie - 2022 General conditions of use - General conditions of sale - Cookies policy - Privacy protection policy - Media charter - Reproduction rights