TRIBUNTRAVEL.COM - Burgers, hamburgers and sliders are fast food that are often mistaken for the same.However, did you know that the three dishes are actually different?Yes, burgers, hamburgers and sliders are often said to be similar because the presentation is not much different.Namely using two round buns filled with meat, vegetables, onions and other seasonings.However, even so, burgers, hamburgers and sliders also have their own characteristics.Also read: The difference between Batagor and Siomay Bandung, the ingredients and how to cook it are differentWhat's the difference like?see in full below.If you think a hamburger is a burger filled with ham, that's not quite right.Because, hamburger itself is taken from the name Hamburg, a city in Germany which is the origin of this one food.The forerunner of the hamburger in ancient times came from the famous Hamburg steak to the United States around the 19th century.In those days, hamburgers contained minced meat and were similar to a burger patty.Until now the term hamburger is only used for bread containing only beef.